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These resources are meant to make your life a bit easier

Resources for Clients


Avoid insurance headaches!

Before you call me, call your insurance company and ask them the questions on this form.  Better to know now than later! 


If I do not take your insurance, your carrier can help you find their list of counselors who do.

I made sure of what my insurance will cover and/or reimburse!

Insurance Generally Accepted:

Pacific Source Health Plans logo
Medicaid, keeping America healthy logo
Allegiance, a Cigna company

Client Forms

After your initial 20-minute phone call, I will send you a link to fill out online forms. This is HIPAA compliant, accurate, and unlikely to cause problems with billing. Most people have no trouble with it at all.


However, if you absolutely cannot figure it out, download and print these forms and fill them out for your first appointment. Have your insurance card and credit card (for copays) with you as well.

Click on the title of the Client Form you need.

Download and fill out ONLY IF you have an appointment.


Individual Psychotherapy
60 min
$ 150
+ Add-on for interactive complexity
$ 50
Individual Psychotherapy
30 min
$ 120
Psychotherapy for crisis
60 min
$ 200
Family psychotherapy w/out patient present
50 min
$ 150
Family psychotherapy with client present
50 min
$ 150
Add-on for family appointments
over 89 min
$ 75 per 30 min

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you counsel children?

I do not believe that children can be helped much if their caregivers are not in counseling with them. I can only spend an hour or two with a client each week; parents are with their children for many hours a day. 


Let me help you puzzle through your child’s challenges and teach you the skills you need!

How do I find your building?

Community Hospital campus has three office buildings. Physician Center #2 is right across from the golf course on Fort Missoula Road.


The easiest way to get there is to turn off Reserve onto Fort Missoula Road right next to Goodwill, go three blocks, turn into the Community parking lot, and turn right. PC#2 is in front of you!

How do you help people with neurodiversities (autism, ADHD, etc)?

People struggle with neurodiversities for three, intertwined reasons: unique brain wiring, trauma, and development. People with unique wiring typically have histories with relational trauma and weak development in some areas of function. Understanding the wiring helps us tailor the developmental intervention.


Since the brain adapts no matter your age, your development can be started up again and the “gaps” filled in. In addition, because the developmental treatment is delivered via safe, loving relationships that are important to the client, trauma can be treated at the same time. 

Resources for Trauma Therapists

Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

Are you a certified trauma therapist?

If you are certified in EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, Trauma-focused IFS, or another evidence-based trauma-focused therapy, you may have clients who get “stuck” in dysregulation or are progressing more slowly than you expected.


The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) may be just what you need! 


I can help by reducing your training investment to zero….


Collaborations with certified trauma therapists coming soon!


Photo Trapper peak mountains

I'm Interested!

Let me know when SSP collaboration becomes available!

Thanks for letting me know that you are interested! I will reach out when this option becomes avilable!

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